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Kelton Riley
Episcopal Seminarian

Good liturgy bends time. It has a way of taking the past and bringing it into the now, connecting us generationally. It takes you to your descendants and brings your ancestors to you. You really captured that.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

Dr. Fripp was able to take someone’s story and retell it as if you were there in the moment with her.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

I didn’t know how serious the situation was for the people living there, as I mostly just learned about the facts or the big picture, not the stories of specific people who had to go through that event.

Morgan Norman
Flower Mound Public Library

The Flower Mound Public Library has collaborated with Teach the Shoah for several years to bring programs to our community in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Their leadership team and presenters are experienced, knowledgeable, and an absolute joy to work with. These touching remembrance ceremonies enable people of all backgrounds to hear the powerful stories of those whose lives were changed forever by the Holocaust. Teach the Shoah is a valuable asset to our community, and we are grateful for their dedication to ensuring that these stories are not forgotten. We hope to continue partnering with them to bring high-quality, educational programs to the Library for years to come.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

Honestly I felt like I was inside the story experiencing what the person was going through.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

This is beneficial because it helps you learn in a way that you cannot by reading articles.

Linda Hackner
Past Director of Education, Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre

I have had the privilege of working with Deborah Fripp from Teach The Shoah.  I participated in the program during my tenure as Director of Education at the Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre.

The program teaches participants the skills to engage with the personal stories of those who survived the Shoah and those who did not.  This engagement gives docents and teachers the opportunity to share the lives of those who went through the Holocaust in “snapshot” moments. The stories are intended to open a window onto a life, share a moment of a life and convey the visitor to that moment. It allows the visitor to the museum to meet the human beings behind the numbers.

My experience learning this storytelling technique has been invaluable, it has changed the way I approach the exhibition and I have seen changes in the way the visitors respond to the exhibition.

Jennifer Rudick Zunikoff, master storyteller, is extremely generous in sharing her craft. My experience with her was in many ways life changing as she helped me discover the ability to share stories with others in a respectful and honest way.

I would recommend this program to all museums that teach a difficult and dark history. So often individual stories get lost in the attempt to teach the vastness of what happened, but it happened to individuals and it is vital that we remember them respectfully.  This is what Teach the Shoah does.

Leora Lazarus
Storyteller, Educator, Granddaughter of Holocaust Survivors

What you have created is such a precious gem. We are all so blessed to have this sacred space.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

Something I learned about was how, in ghettos, Jews risked their lives to preserve their culture and teach, making children there happier. Their is a great focus on Jewish suffering when teaching the Holocaust, and Dr. Fripp’s inclusion of a story that involved joy was very important. It helped me reevaluate my view of how Jewish children in ghettos felt.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

I learned just how horrible the experience actually was. I mean we all read books and accounts of survivors from the Holocaust, but we usually never actually see someone act in that situation. I think it was a great change to see Esther and Dr. Fripp act out some of the people because it felt like we were getting a key into a vault to see what it actually felt like first-hand for people who were going through the situation. Esther and Dr. Fripp actually performing for the class gave it that final touch that you can’t get through a screen.

Neil Borg
Son of Holocaust survivors

The process of connecting the events into a story with an experienced coach was really valuable. I became the person in voice, and the story flowed in a way that surprised me. Those who have heard me tell the story have responded in amazing ways.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

I really enjoyed her story telling. I think Dr. Fripp has such an amazing passion for history that she really made these stories interesting. I also believe that her delivering these stories made them easier to connect with and understand.

Joel Loeb
Son of Holocaust Survivors

I have been reflecting on the work that I have been doing with Jennifer over the last now several years – telling what has become my mother’s and my Holocaust Survival story including and her journey on the ill-fated MS St. Louis. As you know, my sister and grew up as first-generation Americans. We were born into a small German Jewish Congregation in Philadelphia; my father was one of the founders. In our Jewish world, many had numbers burned into their arms, the parents of our peers had experiences that were far worse than my mother and father. We were surrounded by people of extraordinary circumstance and were told the “story” very early in our lives. As G2’s, we lived in the shadow of the Holocaust, simply having to imagine the terror while unable to fix mom’s circumstance. My father rarely spoke of his experience.

The story that I tell has always been difficult for me. Jennifer Zunikoff is the person that unlocked the door and gave me a way to tell the story thus honoring my mother and educating others with a gentle yet defined process. The first time I told it with Jennifer’s expert instruction and support, I cried all the way through. It takes great skill to help work around the emotion created by my history. Jennifer works alongside, gently bringing out the story, helping me find my way through the difficulties created by my memories. Her process is organized and non-threatening. In fact, Jennifer makes space for anyone, everyone to be that person with a story to tell and she teaches those processes that make one’s story come alive. Her generosity of mind, spirit, and time is boundless….and quite remarkable. Jennifer is a warrior and to me, quite the hero.

I simply could not, in this testimony, give you a feeling for the depth of gratitude I have for your bringing Jennifer into my life and the lives of so many to enable us to be Storytellers Of the Holocaust. Thank you.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

I didn’t know about the personal individual hardships that certain Jewish teenagers went through… Teenagers! It blows my mind that they would have to go through these hardships.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

Your words were powerful.

9th Grade Humanities Student
Singapore American School

Dr. Fripp brings new light to the understanding of passing on stories, the most interesting thing about these stories is that they are told through the perspective of the Jewish survivors. This adds more of a personal level and makes the students more intrigued.

Rabbi Miriam Wajnberg
United Hebrew Congregation Singapore

Deborah Fripp’s presentation to our adult Introduction to Judaism class was an excellent way to introduce the topics of antisemitism and the Shoah to a group of adult learners with relatively little knowledge about the Shoah. She made the topics relatable and understandable for learners from diverse backgrounds, many of whom were brand-new to learning about Judaism, and came from a variety of educational backgrounds with regards to prior knowledge about the Shoah. Deborah’s presentation reached both head and heart, connecting the lessons of the Shoah to the realities of the present-day, using stories and images to engage students. Partnering with her in the weeks leading up to and following the class was a joy, as she always asked thoughtful questions about who the learners were, what questions and background they already had, and she was eager to customize her presentation to meet the educational needs of the class.

Leora Lazarus
Storyteller, Educator, Granddaughter of Holocaust Survivors

Working with Teach The Shoah has showed me the value of my family’s stories. They have helped me develop the narratives in meaningful ways and have given me the confidence to tell my stories that might never have been heard otherwise.

Nina Gelman-Gans

Wow – what an amazing program- Jennifer Rudick Zunikoff and Deborah Fripp crafted an amazing journey through a granddaughter’s Holocaust recounting of family love, resilience, determination, and a gift of appreciation between generations. And the experience didn’t stop there. I’m in awe of the steps taken for appreciation, learning, sharing and imagining. I’m intrigued for more.

Traci Massey & Kristen Harvey
Singapore American School (Teachers)

Recently, we invited Dr. Fripp to our Grade 9 Humanities class in order to augment our unit on the Holocaust. Fripp worked closely with our teaching team prior to her visit in order to understand where we wanted to go, and she offered excellent suggestions on how to get there. She is an expert in Holocaust education, including the scope, sequence, and pacing of Holocaust curriculum.  Her tips to foreground personal stories, ahead of the perpetrators’ actions, gave us a new way to teach our unit. During Dr. Fripp’s visit, students were engaged, attentive, and even emotional when listening to three uniquely told stories.  Dr. Fripp provided background, thinking questions, and continued to relate her work to our unit’s driving question in a way that classroom teachers cannot always do. The value of storytelling was incalculable.  We will gladly invite her back in years to come.

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