Teach the Shoah Laset (לָשֵׂאת) Appeal 2025
Remember. Honor. Act.
with a campaign goal of $15,000 by April 24, 2025 (Yom HaShoah)
Now in 2025, we again open our annual Laset (לָשֵׂאת) Appeal to ask you to support the core work of TtS: remembering the history of the Holocaust, honoring those who experienced its horrors, and taking action to share the stories of its victims, survivors, and heroes so their voices are never silenced.
All donations are deductible as charitable contributions according to IRS regulations. Teach the Shoah is a registered 501(c)(3) charity, EIN 82-4245193.

Three things to remember while considering your 2025 Laset (לָשֵׂאת) Appeal gift:
- This annual appeal is our ONLY direct donation campaign.
We welcome donations any time, but Laset (לָשֵׂאת) is the only TtS direct ask of our community. - We welcome ALL support.
Any donation amount is welcome. We are grateful for support in all ways, including likes and shares to other communities. - Appeal funds have an IMMEDIATE impact.
What people love most about TtS – our classes, our teachers, our free online events – demands time, energy, and most importantly, funding. We continue to make great progress on grant applications and in our efforts to become self-sufficient through class fees and paid workshops and storytelling programs for organizations. But a strong annual appeal gives us greater flexibility with the resources we have now.
Deciding to donate – and who to donate to – is never easy. During the appeal period, we will share insights into our work, recent achievements, future plans and, of course, share TtS storytellers bearing witness to the voices of those who experienced the Shoah. We hope seeing our mission at work encourages you to become personally involved as an individual TtS Laset (לָשֵׂאת) Appeal donor.
Our community never fails to inspire and motivate us – and we remain grateful for your encouragement and support every day.
Now during our Laset (לָשֵׂאת) Appeal, we have one ask – Will you help sustain us?
Teach the Shoah believes that keeping the story of the Holocaust alive and relevant is an essential collective responsibility as we enter the post-survivor era. But we must be more than just willing to accept the torch of testimony from survivors. We must also be strong enough to bear the weight of witness into the future.
In Hebrew, the verb laset (לָשֵׂאת) means to not only to bear a weight, but, in its conjugated forms, to also lift up that weight. In naming our appeal for this concept, TtS honors our storytellers who lift up stories of the Shoah and affirms our commitment to building an organization with the strength to sustain their work.
[Moses says:] At that time I said to you,
“I am not able to bear you by myself”.
Devarim 1:9