About Us
Improving the future by honoring the past
We use professional storytelling techniques to create custodians of memory who share about lives and lessons from an increasingly remote past. Our goal is to widen the network of people who tell these stories because we cannot let the families of survivors bear this burden alone.
The Holocaust is not a family story. It is everyone’s story.
We believe people of all ages and backgrounds can learn from the Holocaust and be ambassadors for a better world.
In all we do, We aim to be
Our Values
Creating personal connections among our participants through the stories of individuals
Offering new ways for Jews and non-Jews to interact with the story of the Holocaust
Highlighting the universal nature of our responsibility to learn from the story of the Holocaust
Remaining life-centered, lesson-oriented, age-appropriate, and non-traumatic
Upcoming Events
What We Offer
Customized Programming For Every Need
We serve individuals, families, groups, schools, and museums with an array of workshops and custom programs. Whether you are young or old, Jewish or not, a family, a group, or a sole explorer, we have programs that can help you become a vivid storyteller and share what you learn.
Dr. Fripp worked closely with our teaching team prior to her visit in order to understand where we wanted to go, and she offered excellent suggestions on how to get there.
During Dr. Fripp’s visit, students were engaged, attentive, and even emotional when listening to three uniquely told stories.
The value of storytelling was incalculable. We will gladly invite her back in years to come.
Before Dr. Fripp’s visit, the Holocaust felt like a terrible historical event that we were researching in class. I didn’t really understand it on a more personal level. After Dr. Fripp’s visit, I had a better understanding of how the people felt.
Custom Programs
Our professional storytellers, scholars, and educators will bring the story of the Holocaust to life for your audience or your students, whether they know nothing about the Holocaust or are scholars themselves.
Storytelling Workshops
Be it a family story, a story you tell while guiding in a museum, or a story you learned from a book or website, we will guide you through the process of building a compelling story from images and moments.
Ritual Commemorations
A powerful new way to commemorate the Holocaust in our homes, our schools, and our communities, commemorating both the terrible atrocities and the inner strength of the victims and those who helped them.
Family Resources
How to talk to your children about the Holocaust.
Educator Resources
Recommendations, lesson plans, and comprehensive programs to teach the Holocaust at all ages.
Interfaith Resources
Programs that speak to all communities.
What People Are Saying
My experience learning this storytelling technique has been invaluable, it has changed the way I approach the exhibition and I have seen changes in the way the visitors respond to the exhibition.
I would recommend this program to all museums that teach a difficult and dark history. So often individual stories get lost in the attempt to teach the vastness of what happened, but it happened to individuals and it is vital that we remember them respectfully. This is what Teach the Shoah does.
The story that I tell has always been difficult for me. Jennifer Zunikoff is the person that unlocked the door and gave me a way to tell the story thus honoring my mother and educating others with a gentle yet defined process.
I simply could not, in this testimony, give you a feeling for the depth of gratitude I have for your bringing Jennifer into my life and the lives of so many to enable us to be storytellers of the Holocaust.
Their leadership team and presenters are experienced, knowledgeable, and an absolute joy to work with.
These touching remembrance ceremonies enable people of all backgrounds to hear the powerful stories of those whose lives were changed forever by the Holocaust.
Teach the Shoah is a valuable asset to our community, and we are grateful for their dedication to ensuring that these stories are not forgotten.
Meet Our Team

Dr. Deborah Fripp
Executive Director
Yad Vashem-trained Holocaust educator, storyteller, and author of 5 books.

Violet Neff-Helms
Executive Vice President
Yad Vashem-trained educator, storyteller, and author.

Jennifer Rudick Zunikoff
Storytelling Director
Professional storyteller, educator, facilitator, and coach.

Lynne Feldman
International Coordinator
Holocaust scholar and certified Holocaust guide.
Our Blog
Latest Articles
Lessons from the Kausenberger Rebbe
The Klausenberger Rebbe, the leader of a Hasidic Jewish community in Poland, was separated from his wife and 11 children upon arrival in Auschwitz Birkenau. Left alone in the world, the Rebbe sat in the barrack, and for the first time in his life, he cried. He had...
Ester Koyfman – a Last of Kin
On Thursday the 13th of May 1948, the day before Israel declared its independence, seven brave women fell defending the village of Kfar Etzion. They were Holocaust survivors, and they were the sole survivors of their families. They were Last of Kin. The previous...
Tying the Threads of Compassion
Through the alchemy of storytelling, the ashes of despair in the hallowed pages of survivor testimonies are transformed into flames of remembrance, illuminating the path towards a more compassionate and interconnected world. [redirects to the Times of Israel]
Will you help us with this important work?
We feel strongly that all our events should be free so money is not a constraint on participation. We also feel strongly that our storytellers and facilitators should be paid for their work. Your donations help us meet both of these goals. 100% of your donation goes directly to programming.
All donations are deductible as charitable contributions according to IRS regulations. Teach the Shoah is a registered 501(c)(3) charity, EIN 82-4245193.