80 for 80

80 stories for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz

80 for 80

80 stories for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz

For 80 days – from International Holocaust Memorial Day to Yom Hashoah – our storytellers bring you a mosaic of stories from Auschwitz.

Don’t miss a single day!

Today's Story

Tanya Wisoker telling the story of Sonia Weiss

Tanya Wisoker Teach the Shoah board member and Storyteller is telling the story of Sonia Weiss. Born in Krakow, Poland. Auschwitz survivor.

a Weiss. Born in Krakow, Poland. Auschwitz survivor.

Cathy Polakoff telling Michael Vogel

Cathy Polakoff, Teach the Shoah Storyteller, tells the story of Michael Vogel, Auschwitz survivor, born in Jacovce, Czechoslovakia.

Jenna Price telling Irene Zisblatt

Jenna Price, Teach the Shoah’s Storyteller Bureau Manager, tells the story of Irene Zisblatt, Auschwitz survivor, born in Poleno, Hungary.

Tanya Wisoker telling Samuel Pisar

Tanya Wisoker, Teach the Shoah board member and storyteller, tells the story of Samuel Pisar, Auschwitz survivor, born in Bialystok, Poland.

Lynne Feldman telling Serbernik

Lynne Feldman, Teach the Shoah’s Director of Holocaust Scholarship, tells the story of Serbernik, the orchestra manager at Auschwitz.

Deborah Fripp telling Edith Eva Eger

Dr. Deborah Fripp, Teach the Shoah’s Executive Director, tells the story of Edith Eva Eger, Auschwitz survivor, born in Kosice, Hungary (now Slovakia) in 1927.


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